
Eugene Field Elementary School
Session 2009-060



Name Eugene Field Elementary School
Web site http://www.d64.org/fie
Community Suburban
Type Public


Subjects Math, Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Science, & Heath - currently studying microscopes in Science
Grades 5th Grade
Students 51


Title Bugscope 2009
Insects Whatever you have in your lab would be fabulous
Description I teach two 5th grade science classes and currently we are studying microscopes & cells. In the past, I've used Bugscope to help expand our study of using microscopes and also give my students the opportunity to control the SEM microscope and chat with scientists about specimens and their job as scientists. I would like to run one two hour session where the first hour would be my first class, and the second hour would be my second class. If that doesn't work, I could divide it into two different Mondays and do 1 hour sessions on each. Both of my classes and myself are very excited about this opportunity and are looking forward to it!


Where did you hear
about Bugscope?
I've done it for the past three years and have had a positive experience each time. Originally, I was referred to you by Anthony Clishem, our science and technology curriculum specialist.
