
Northwestern Middle School
Session 2014-054



Name Northwestern Middle School
Web site http://school.fultonschools.org/ms/northwestern/Pages/default.aspx
Location Fulton County, Georgia, United States
Community Suburban
Type Public


Subjects Life Science
Grades 7th Grade
Students ?


Title Insects Up Close
Insects Vary - Students will bring in
Description I would use Bugscope as an extension activity... We begin out studies in 7th grade science with classification or taxonomy. My students participate in an activity where they bring in two deceased insects each so that their lab group has between eight and 10 insects. Students then complete research to identify the insects, then they construct a classification tree and dichotomous key on their insects. Following this activity we start practicing with the microscopes in our classroom and learning about/looking at cells. Students always learn about the SEM, but participating in this project would allow them to see one in use - How awesome! Plus, it would give students an opportunity to see people actively working in or toward STEM careers which is an added bonus!


Where did you hear
about Bugscope?
I am currently working on my Educational Specialist degree in Instructional Technology at Kennesaw State University and this was one of the examples presented of an online project opportunity.
