
Xavier University
Session 2012-065



Name Xavier University
Web site http://www.xavier.edu
Location Hamilton, Ohio, United States
Community Suburban
Type Private


Subjects Biology/ Entomology
Grades Other
Students 15


Title Adaptations for consuming different foods
Insects Mosquito, honeybee, house fly, some sort of homopteran beetle, horsefly, spider,
Description Hi guys!!!! I am teaching entomology for the first time in Xavier history. The biological supply houses stopped carrying some of the preserved insects that I was going to use for my lab, so I thought that Bugscope would be a great substitution...a BETTER substitution, in fact, because it will allow me to integrate electron microscopy into the curriculum. Bugscope will fit into the physiology section, where we will be talking about the modifications of mouthparts to exploit different food sources. We will want to focus on heads, but we can look for mites and brochosomes as well. I will gather the creatures for you, but will be happy to have anything else you want to throw in there. Unlike last time, I will only have 15 students logging in--not 200.


Where did you hear
about Bugscope?
