
James Strath PS
Session 2010-089



Name James Strath PS
Location Peterborough, ON, CA
Community Suburban
Type Public


Subjects Homeroom/ all
Grades 7th Grade
Students 27


Title Ecosystem Interaction
Insects Monarch Butterfly
Description We raise and release butterflies throughout the month of September. We look at ecosytems and the challenges that migrating insects face in the world today. The students are able to examine many aspects close up, but things like the silk button that look much like our "invention" of velcro are invisible to our magnifiers. Things like this, the multiple eyes, or viewing the proboscis would be very powerful for the students. The close up look at the Monarch would take this to a new level for my class. We actually have two classes that we teach this with/to. We could either buddy up and share lab time, or I could have my colleague fill out a second request. We also teach microscopy to the students over this term.


Where did you hear
about Bugscope?
Online, through a magazine and from a colleague.
