
Winchester Thurston School
Session 2008-093



Name Winchester Thurston School
Web site http://www.winchesterthurston.org/
Community Urban
Type Private


Subjects General Science/Earth Science
Grades 6th Grade, 8th Grade
Students 65


Title Insect Adaptations
Description In 6th grade students examine the role of insects in ecosystems. THis in-depth study includes physical characteristics of insects (including a comparison with arachnids), the various types of metamorphosis, the roles insects play in an ecosystem and the physical and behavioral adaptations that facilitate these roles. During one of our lab activities, students examine insect specimens they ahve collected using a dissecting microscope. Bugscope would provide an excellent opportunity to see some the the structures we study (mouth parts, eyes, wings, etc) with amazing detail as well as give students the opportunity to ask questions. In addition, we do a microscope unit later in the year which would tie-in well with the use of Bugscope.


Where did you hear
about Bugscope?
Another teacher who read an article in the Sept 2007 Science & Children magazine.
