
Blocker Middle School
Session 2000-031



Name Blocker Middle School
Web site http://www.texascity.isd.tenet.edu/Blocker/index.html
Location Texas City, Texas, USA


Subjects Gifted and Talented Science and Astronomy
Grades 7 and 8
Students -1


Description We will be going live on the internet with the money earned from a GTE Grant and I would like to incorrporate as many interactive web sites with the studies as I can. We are researching the effects of ground level ozone in our area. My students have noticed a decrease in Monarch Butterflies and we feel that it may be as a result of the photochemical smog. I would like to raise the butterflies and go through the metamorphosis with them and with the plant they need to survive. The images of the butterfly and plant produced by Bugscope could be displayed along with the study. Our desire is to make our website as interactive as possible for the students and also for anyone who would like to join us in our study. We will go live on the internet using the Cuseeme website and my classroom's website. We are scheduled to report our findings to our representitaves in Washington by using the video conferencing camera. Your project would help in making the web site even more dynamic. Please consider Blocker Middle School for this project. Sincerely, Judy Lee Science Instructor Blocker Middle School Texas City, Texas


Where did you hear
about Bugscope?
List serve from Rice University.
